ITM AMNS: User Interface  \$Id: Doxyfile 502 2015-10-15 12:23:45Z dpc $
ITM AMNS: User Interface Documentation

AMNS User Interface Routines. The AMNS user routines provide services from the AMNS system to user codes


Documentation for the package can be found on the AMNS webpages.

Two minimal examples of using the AMNS library are given below:

Fortran example

program minimal
use itm_types
implicit none
type (amns_handle_type) :: amns ! AMNS global handle
type (amns_handle_rx_type) :: amns_rx ! AMNS table handle
type (amns_reaction_type) :: xx_rx
type (amns_reactants_type) :: species
real (kind=R8) :: te=100.0_r8, ne=1e20_r8, rate
call itm_amns_setup(amns) ! set up the AMNS system
allocate(species%components(4)) ! set up reactants
species%components = (/ amns_reactant_type(6, 1, 12, 0), amns_reactant_type(1, 0, 2, 0), amns_reactant_type(6, 0, 12, 1), amns_reactant_type(1, 1, 2, 1) /)
xx_rx%string='CX' ! set up reaction
call itm_amns_setup_table(amns, xx_rx, species, amns_rx) ! set up table
call itm_amns_rx(amns_rx, rate, te, ne) ! get results
write(*,*) 'Rate = ', rate
call itm_amns_finish_table(amns_rx) ! finish with table
call itm_amns_finish(amns) ! finish with amns
end program minimal

C example

#include "amns_interface.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
void* amns_handle = NULL;
void* reactants_handle = NULL;
amns_c_reactant_type species1 = {.ZN=6, .ZA=1, .MI=12, .LR=0};
amns_c_reactant_type species2 = {.ZN=1, .ZA=0, .MI=2 , .LR=0};
amns_c_reactant_type species3 = {.ZN=6, .ZA=0, .MI=12, .LR=1};
amns_c_reactant_type species4 = {.ZN=1, .ZA=1, .MI=2 , .LR=1};
amns_c_reaction_type xx_rx = {.string = "CX"};
void* amns_cx_handle;
double rate;
ITM_AMNS_CC_SETUP(&amns_handle, &error_stat);
printf("error = %s: %s\n", error_stat.flag ? "true" : "false", error_stat.string);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SETUP_REACTANTS(&reactants_handle, "", 0, 4);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SET_REACTANT(reactants_handle, 1, &species1);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SET_REACTANT(reactants_handle, 2, &species2);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SET_REACTANT(reactants_handle, 3, &species3);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SET_REACTANT(reactants_handle, 4, &species4);
ITM_AMNS_CC_SETUP_TABLE(amns_handle, &xx_rx, reactants_handle, &amns_cx_handle, &error_stat);
printf("error = %s: %s\n", error_stat.flag ? "true" : "false", error_stat.string);
ITM_AMNS_CC_RX_0_B(amns_cx_handle, &rate, 100.0, 1e20, &error_stat);
printf("error = %s: %s\n", error_stat.flag ? "true" : "false", error_stat.string);
printf("Rate = %25.15e\n", rate);
ITM_AMNS_CC_FINISH_TABLE(&amns_cx_handle, &error_stat);
printf("error = %s: %s\n", error_stat.flag ? "true" : "false", error_stat.string);
ITM_AMNS_CC_FINISH(&amns_handle, &error_stat);
printf("error = %s: %s\n", error_stat.flag ? "true" : "false", error_stat.string);
return 0;

Extending the AMNS Interface

Note that current interface ITM_AMNS_RX supports data that can depend on 1, 2 or 3 arguments.

Extending this to more arguments would involve:

  • adding additional optional arguments to ITM_AMNS_RX_0, ITM_AMNS_RX_1, ITM_AMNS_RX_2 and ITM_AMNS_RX_3
  • modifying the call to interpol in these routines
  • modifying interpol in data_suport if going beyond 4 arguments
  • creating additional interpolation routines if going beyond quadrilinear interpolation
  • providing the equivalent routines in amns_module_isoc.F90
  • providing the equivalent interfaces in amns_interface.h equivalent to ITM_AMNS_C_RX_0_A
  • providing the glue code equivalent in amns_interface.h equivalent to ITM_AMNS_CC_RX_0_A
  • providing the equivalent routines and interfaces for Python (in cython/)

The arguments and output all have to match in size and rank, and can be scalars, 1d, 2d or 3d arrays.

Extending this to higher rank output and arguments involves:

  • providing ITM_AMNS_RX_4, ITM_AMNS_RX_5 etc. in amns_module.F90
  • providing the equivalent routines in amns_module_isoc.F90
  • providing the equivalent interfaces in amns_interface.h equivalent to ITM_AMNS_C_RX_0_A
  • providing the glue code equivalent in amns_interface.h equivalent to ITM_AMNS_CC_RX_0_A
  • providing the equivalent routines and interfaces for Python (in cython/)