Source code for itm.grid.plot

@author: klingshi

import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.collections as collections
import numpy
# Note: due to some issues with UAL and matplotlib, first import matplotlib
import base

class Plot2d():

[docs] PLOT_GRID = 2**0 PLOT_NODE_LABELS = 2**1 PLOT_EDGE_LABELS = 2**2 PLOT_CELL_LABELS = 2**3 def __init__(self, grid, figure=None): assert isinstance(grid, base.Grid)
[docs] self.grid = grid if figure is None: self.fig = create_default_figure() else: self.fig = figure self.default_cmap = def plot_grid_for_class(self, cls): assert self.grid.class_exists(cls)
[docs] sg = base.SubGrid(self.grid, cls) self.plot_subgrid(sg) def plot_subgrid(self, sgindex, mode=PLOT_GRID): sg = self.grid.subgrid(sgindex)
[docs] assert (sg.ndim == 1) or (sg.ndim == 2), "Currently plotting only for 1d or 2d objects" ax = self.fig.gca(); if sg.ndim == 1: edges = list() for obj1d in sg: edges.append(obj1d) elif sg.ndim == 2: edges = set() for obj2d in sg: composing_objs = obj2d.composing_objs edges |= set(composing_objs) # 2d cell label if ( mode & self.PLOT_CELL_LABELS ): xy = numpy.array((0, 0)); for edge in composing_objs: xy = xy + edge.nodes_coord.sum(axis=0) xy = xy / ( len(composing_objs) * 2 ) # Avoid output of (x,) for a len=1 tuple #if ( len(obj2d.ind) == 1 ): # ax.annotate(str(obj2d.ind[0]), xy) #else: # ax.annotate(str(obj2d.ind), xy) label = str(obj2d).replace(' ', '') xy[0] = xy[0] - 0.0025 xy[1] = xy[1] - 0.001 ax.annotate(label, xy, size=16) if ( mode & self.PLOT_GRID ): lines = list() for edge in edges: lines.append(edge.nodes_coord) #print "Plotting: ", edge.nodes_coord lcol = collections.LineCollection(lines) #lcol.set_linewidth(1) ax.add_collection(lcol) if ( mode & self.PLOT_EDGE_LABELS ): for edge in edges: nodes_coord = edge.nodes_coord xy = nodes_coord.sum(axis=0) / nodes_coord.shape[0] if ( len(edge.ind) == 1 ): ax.annotate(str(edge.ind[0]), xy) else: ax.annotate(str(edge.ind), xy) def plot_patch(self, data, cmap = None, norm = None): grid = self.grid
[docs] assert (data.subgrid > 0) and (data.subgrid <= grid.nsubgrid) sg = grid.subgrid(data.subgrid) # FIXME: make more generic assert sg.ndim == 2, "Plot2d.plot_patch: only for 2d objects." assert len(data.scalar) == len(grid.subgrid(data.subgrid)), "Length of data vector must match number of objects in subgrid." if cmap is None: cmap = self.default_cmap if norm is None: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize() norm.autoscale(data.scalar) patches = list() for i, obj2d in enumerate(sg): coords = sort_edges(obj2d.composing_objs)[0] patches.append( matplotlib.patches.Polygon(coords, closed = True, \ fc = cmap(norm(data.scalar[i])), ec = cmap(norm(data.scalar[i])) ) ) #self.fig.gca().add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Polygon(sort_edges(obj2d.composing_objs)[0], \ # fc = cmap(norm(data[i])), ec = cmap(norm(data[i])) ) ) #print "added all patches" # Patch collection plotting disabled until matplotlib updated on the gateway patchCol = collections.PatchCollection(patches, match_original = True) self.fig.gca().add_collection(patchCol) #print "Used PatchCollection" def sort_edges(edges): (c, cInd, closed) = sort_edges_index(edges)
return (c, closed) def sort_edges_index(edges): grid = edges[0].grid # Build a dictionary of nodes and which edges they are connected to edgeDict = dict() for e in edges: nodes = e.composing_objs for n in nodes: if n in edgeDict: edgeDict[n].add(e) assert len(edgeDict[n]) <= 2, \ "sort_edges: more than two edges connected to a node, cannot sort them" else: edgeDict[n] = set((e,)) c = numpy.zeros([len(edges)+1, grid.ndim]) cInd = [0] * (len(edges) + 1) # Get a start node cnode = edges[0].composing_objs[0] c[0, :] = grid.node_coord(cnode) cInd[0] = cnode.global_ind # process as many edges as given for i in xrange(len(edges)): # sanity check on edge counts for the current node if i == 0: assert len(edgeDict[cnode]) in xrange(1,3) else: assert len(edgeDict[cnode]) == 1 # get the next edge cedge = edgeDict[cnode].pop() # get the other node of the edge as next node cenodes = cedge.composing_objs for n in cenodes: if n != cnode: nnode = n break # cnode is current node, nnode is next node c[i+1, :] = grid.node_coord(nnode) cInd[i+1] = nnode.global_ind # remove current edge (which is now done) from next node set edgeDict[nnode].remove(cedge) # move to next node cnode = nnode # sanity check: end node set and start node set should be empty now assert not edgeDict[cnode] and not edgeDict[edges[0].composing_objs[0]] # check if closed closed = ( cnode == edges[0].composing_objs[0] ) return (c, cInd, closed) def sort_edges_2(edges): # Build array with all node indices #nodes = numpy.array('i', ) # Pick a an edge and one of its nodes as current edge and node # Put coordinates of starting node to list # For as many times as there are edges: # -get other node of current edge # -find an edge in the list that has the same node (excluding the current edge) # -switch current edge and node to the new objects grid = edges[0].grid # Build a dictionary of nodes and which edges they are connected to edgeDict = dict() for e in edges: nodes = e.composing_objs for n in nodes: if n in edgeDict: edgeDict[n].add(e) assert len(edgeDict[n]) <= 2, \ "sort_edges: more than two edges connected to a node, cannot sort them" else: edgeDict[n] = set((e,)) c = numpy.zeros([len(edges)+1, grid.ndim]) # Get a start node cnode = edges[0].composing_objs[0] c[0, :] = grid.node_coord(cnode) # process as many edges as given for i in xrange(len(edges)): # sanity check on edge counts for the current node if i == 0: assert len(edgeDict[cnode]) in xrange(1,3) else: assert len(edgeDict[cnode]) == 1 # get the next edge cedge = edgeDict[cnode].pop() # get the other node of the edge as next node cenodes = cedge.composing_objs for n in cenodes: if n != cnode: nnode = n break # cnode is current node, nnode is next node c[i+1, :] = grid.node_coord(nnode) # remove current edge (which is now done) from next node set edgeDict[nnode].remove(cedge) # move to next node cnode = nnode # sanity check: end node set and start node set should be empty now assert not edgeDict[cnode] and not edgeDict[edges[0].composing_objs[0]] # check if closed closed = ( cnode == edges[0].composing_objs[0] ) return (c, closed) def create_default_figure(): fig = plt.figure() plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('R') plt.ylabel('Z') return fig