ITM AMNS: User Interface  \$Id: Doxyfile 502 2015-10-15 12:23:45Z dpc $
Go to the documentation of this file.
9 program minimal
10  use itm_types
11  use amns_types
12  use amns_module
14  implicit none
16  type (amns_handle_type) :: amns ! AMNS global handle
17  type (amns_handle_rx_type) :: amns_rx ! AMNS table handle
18  type (amns_reaction_type) :: xx_rx
19  type (amns_reactants_type) :: species
20  real (kind=R8) :: te=100.0_r8, ne=1e20_r8, rate
22  call itm_amns_setup(amns) ! set up the AMNS system
23  allocate(species%components(4)) ! set up reactants
24  species%components = (/ amns_reactant_type(6, 1, 12, 0), amns_reactant_type(1, 0, 2, 0), amns_reactant_type(6, 0, 12, 1), amns_reactant_type(1, 1, 2, 1) /)
25  xx_rx%string='CX' ! set up reaction
26  call itm_amns_setup_table(amns, xx_rx, species, amns_rx) ! set up table
27  call itm_amns_rx(amns_rx, rate, te, ne) ! get results
28  write(*,*) 'Rate = ', rate
29  call itm_amns_finish_table(amns_rx) ! finish with table
30  call itm_amns_finish(amns) ! finish with amns
32 end program minimal
program minimal
Definition: test_f90.f90:9
type for the AMNS handle (opaque for user codes) NOT interoperable with C.
Definition: amns_types.F90:87
subroutine itm_amns_setup(handle, version, error_status)
initialization call for the AMNS package
Definition: amns_module.F90:47
subroutine itm_amns_finish(handle, error_status)
finalization call for the AMNS package
subroutine itm_amns_setup_table(handle, reaction_type, reactants, handle_rx, error_status)
initialization call for a particular reaction
Type used for specifying reactions when using the AMNS interface ("interoperable" version) ...
Type for the AMNS RX handle (opaque for user codes) NOT interoperable with C.
Definition: amns_types.F90:98
Type for indicating a single reactant or product when using the AMNS interface.
subroutine itm_amns_finish_table(handle_rx, error_status)
finalization call for a particular reaction
Type for indicating the reactants when using the AMNS interface NOT interoperable with C...
Definition: amns_types.F90:75
get the rates associated with the input args for a particular reaction (generic interface for 1d...
Definition: amns_module.F90:27
The derived types defined here are meant to be interoperable with C. The ones for this is not the cas...
Definition: amns_types.F90:17