RFOF - RF Library for Orbit Following Codes
dummy_orbit Module Reference

Dummy-orbit code a standalone test program for RFOF. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

subroutine run_dumorb
 Workflow for dummy-orbit tracer code (for testing of RFOF only).
subroutine init_dumorb (RFglobal, marker, marker_static, mem, diagno, NtimeSteps, dt, time_acceleration)
subroutine exit_dumorb (RFglobal, mem, diagno)
subroutine step_orbit_dumorb (marker, dt, NACC)
subroutine output_heating_to_screen (RFglobal, diagno, time)
real(8) function anyfunc (x)
subroutine test_ridder

Public Attributes

logical theta_step_constant = .true.
real(8) d_theta = 1e-2

Detailed Description

Dummy-orbit code a standalone test program for RFOF.

These routines traces an orbit, which is given by the parallel velocity. And between each orbit-step the RFOF operator is called to check if we've reached the resonance.

T. Johnson
"$Id: dummy_orbit.F90 212 2011-09-26 16:50:24Z tjohnson $"

Definition at line 14 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine dummy_orbit::run_dumorb ( )

Workflow for dummy-orbit tracer code (for testing of RFOF only).

Definition at line 44 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

subroutine dummy_orbit::init_dumorb ( type(rf_wave_global), intent(out)  RFglobal,
type(particle), intent(inout)  marker,
type(particle_static), intent(inout), target  marker_static,
type(resonance_memory), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer  mem,
type(RFOF_cumlative_diagnostics), intent(inout)  diagno,
integer, intent(out)  NtimeSteps,
real(8), intent(out)  dt,
real(8), intent(in), target  time_acceleration 

Definition at line 121 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

subroutine dummy_orbit::exit_dumorb ( type(rf_wave_global), intent(inout)  RFglobal,
type(resonance_memory), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer  mem,
type(RFOF_cumlative_diagnostics), intent(inout)  diagno 

Definition at line 228 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

subroutine dummy_orbit::step_orbit_dumorb ( type(particle), intent(inout)  marker,
real(8), intent(in)  dt,
real(8), intent(in)  NACC 

Definition at line 242 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

subroutine dummy_orbit::output_heating_to_screen ( type(rf_wave_global)  RFglobal,
type(RFOF_cumlative_diagnostics)  diagno,
real(8)  time 

Definition at line 297 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

real(8) function dummy_orbit::anyfunc ( real(8)  x)

Definition at line 333 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

subroutine dummy_orbit::test_ridder ( )

Definition at line 341 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 36 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

real(8) dummy_orbit::d_theta = 1e-2

Definition at line 37 of file dummy_orbit.F90.

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