Neoclassical Diffusivity Comparison

The Models


NeoWes is a simple neoclassical module intended for circular models, using a set of formulae from Wesson's textbook Tokamaks. NClass is Wayne Houlberg's code, well known as a standard tool. NeoArt is the multi-species neoclassical code from Arthur Peeters. Here we do a simple comparison of the electron and ion diffusivities using the IMP4 Shot 1 Run 1 base case (pure electron-deuterium plasma).

The equilibrium is re-done with BDSEQ, a simple model of circular boundary surface, shifted-circle flux surfaces, since some newer equilibrium CPO elements are needed. Hence only the profiles and and are used from the database.

We compare the run of the particle and heat diffusivities with toroidal flux radius. The density and temperature profiles are shown, and goes from about -1.5 to -3.3. The UALPython actor was used to do the plots, which are shown for each neoclassical code. There appears to still be a problem with this implementation of NClass.

last update: 2012-03-28 by bscott