
How to adapt your code to ITM platform (Quick Start).
How to contribute to the ITM documentation websites.
PracticalXML Testbed
How to write documents for Practical XML
SectionsParagraphsListsTablesGraphicsLinksVerbatimText Formatting
DocBook Extensions
File InclusionMathsText FormattingText ColorsBoxesLinesSpecial CharactersBlanks
How to categorize imported documents.
How to work with Subversion under Gforge
IntroductionProjects in Gforge
How to handle code specific parameters
Why XML?
W3C XML Schemas
How to convert Code Parameters into XML
Step 1: Extraction - XML SchemaStep 2: Conversion - XML FileStep 3: Assignment Function
ITM XML Parser
Creating XML schemas with CREATE_SCHEMA
Creating assignment functions with CREATE_ASSIGN
Fortran90C/C++Validating your XML 
Developments from January 2013
Creating default XMLCreating XML and parameter-list.txt from namelistsAutomated creation of XML/XSD/assign_codeparam.f90
XML Tools
Tutorial on W3C XML Schemas
Access Forms for the ITM Gateway
How to get an account on the ITM GatewayITM policy on Access Rights and Software Licencing
How to become a member of a Gforge project.
How to turn a C++ code into a Kepler actor
Adapt your C++ functionHow to use code parametersCompile your function as a libraryFull exampleHow to fill the FC2K window
How to export an actor from Kepler
How to import an actor into Kepler
How to remove an actor from Kepler
Fortran Assertion Module
 Overview: Assertions as a software development tool  The ITM Fortran assertion module 
Doxygen generated web pages
Guidelines for Code Documentation
Using Doxygen Documentation in Fortran codes
 Overview  Example fortran code using Doxygen 

This section is intended to host useful material on how to solve everyday problems when dealing with ITM tools both as a developer and as a user. The material is presented in an instructive way via tutorials, HowTo's, and user guides.

How to adapt your code to ITM platform (Quick Start).


This is a fast manual on the steps needed to adapt the stand alone version of a code to be used as an actor inside a KEPLER workflow .
Please do not get discouraged but rather contact Denis Kalupin for help.

How to contribute to the ITM documentation websites.


Your contribution to the ITM documentation websites is very welcome.

To be able to contribute to the ITM websites you must be a member of the documentation project

under Gforge on the ITM Gateway (see How to become a member of a Gforge project).

After having joined the project please check out a working copy of the repository:
svn co target_dir
where target_dir is a directory name of your choice (it will be created by svn in your current directory)

The trunk/ of the repository has the following structure which reflects the project structure of the ITM:
- world
- itm
- isip
- amns
- edrg
- imp12
- imp3
- imp4
- imp5
Material in world will be visible on the web server to the whole world while access to the material in all other projects is limited to ITM members via login.

Each project has two subdirectories
- private
- public
Material placed into private will only be visible to members of the same project whereas material in public is visible to the entire ITM-TF.
Inside public you find the following structure:
- graphics
- html
- imports
- pdf
- xml
The graphics directory is intended to host all graphics files whereas the imports directory shall host all other file types except for the xml and html files used for the generation of the ITM web pages. Those shall be placed into the xml and html directories. The pdf directory is used for processing only. Please do not place any files there.
Currently you are not allowed to created any subdirectories under the graphics directory and files there have to follow a naming convention. You may, however, create any structure of subdirectories under the imports directory and files there may have any name.

To contribute material to the ITM web pages you have two options:
The recommended way of contributing is in the form of XML documents following the DocBook format. The ITM-TF currently uses a publishing tool created by John Storrs which allows the automatic conversion of DocBook like XML documents into HTML. This method has various advantages among which the most pronounced are that the contributor will not have to worry about the style and the overall structure of the web pages but rather contribute his/her material in the form of simple DocBook elements. The publication tools will then convert the existing material into a hierarchical and searchable structure of web pages with a single layout.
The current publishing tool PracticalXML allows only a small subset of the large variety of DocBook elements. For information about Docbook, including online books, visit the 'official home page'. For the full DocBook tagset, see DocBook: The Definitive Guide. Some extensions based on HTML have been added for highlighting and structuring of the web pages. If there is need for extensions, they may be implemented by extending PracticalXML. Please contact John Storrs or Christian Konz if you are missing fundamental functionalities.

A short introduction to using PracticalXML can be found following the How to write documents for Practical XML link.

Alternatively or in addition you may place directly designed HTML pages in the html directory of your project. This allows you to use the full scope of HTML elements and your own style sheet (though not recommended) but has the drawback that your pages will not be searchable nor included in the overall structure.
Writing your web pages in XML will allow them to be included in the automatic creation of hierarchical book-like pdf's of the web pages.
Therefore, please give DocBook XML a try. It is easy to learn and to use.

To avoid name clashes, you will have to adopt the following convention on file names in the graphics directory and Id's:
All names of the files in the graphics/ and html/ directories must start with the name of the project plus an underscore, for instance "imp12_graphic.png" instead of "image.png". Furthermore, the Id names of the xml files which you find in the 'section class' element must likewise start with the name of the project plus underscore, for instance <section class="topic" id="itm_practicalxml"> .
This will make sure that your documents will not be overwritten by documents with identical names.

All links to files must be relative.
There are two types of links to files:

  • links to xml files in <include file= ... > tags: These must be relative to the itm/public/xml directory, e.g. <include file="../../../itm/public/xml/itm_howtos.xml">.
  • links to files in imports/ in <ulink url=... > tags: These must be relative to the html directory of the web server, e.g. <ulink url="../imports/meetings/2009/EDRG_kickoff/edrg_kick-off.ppt">

Automatic PDF Generation:
For web pages developed in XML, you have the option to automatically generate a pdf version of your web page. The tools of PracticalXML will convert the specified xml document into pdf and also decend into depending xml documents. The result is an article like document with table of contents and hyperlinks.
To tell the system to automatically generate a pdf version of a web page you need to include the pdf attribute in the top section of your xml document.


<section class="topic" id="itm_howtos" pdf="itm_howtos">
The value of the pdf tag has to be identical to the value of the id tag and the name of the xml file, in the example above: itm_howtos.xml.

The system will then automatically generate a pdf version of the web page and place it into the pdf/ directory, in the example as itm_howtos.pdf. It will also generate the pdf link symbol ☞ pdf at the top of the page which links directly to the pdf document.

Automatic Update Information:
Using the svn keyword Id it is possible to generate an automatic update information for each xml document.
For this, you have to add the following line
<timestamp>version: $Id: itm_howtos.xml 2153 2019-01-31 09:23:43Z g2dpc $</timestamp>
at the bottom of your xml document just before closing the last section tag. Furthermore, you have to set svn:keywords to Id. This can be done with
svn ps svn:keywords Id example.xml
assuming your xml is stored in "example.xml". With each commit, svn will automatically add the commit information between the two '$' which will be processed into the required update information by the system.

Once you have committed your changes, a (soon) automatic make process will update the ITM web pages with your changes and place them on the web server. It will also automatically generate pdf's of all web pages. A link to the pdf is shown at the top of the web pages. The date and author of the last updates is shown at the bottom of the pages.

PracticalXML Testbed

To allow for an easy and decoupled development of the XML web pages of each project (which will later be linked to the entire website by a cron job) we have developed a test bed environment. Please use this environment to generate your web pages before committing an XML file to the trunk/ directory.

The idea here is that you can generate the corresponding html version independently of the rest of the web pages. This allows you to debug and polish your XML files before committing them to the trunk.

Here is what you need to do for that:

1.) First check out a working copy of the test bed doc_test/branches:
svn checkout target_dir
This will create a local copy of the software publishxml in your working copy and a binary version of tex2im which should run on all linux platforms.

To include tex2im in your path please do the following
setenv PATH {$PATH}:path_to_target_dir/tex2im-1.8
or equivalent (depending on the shell) where path_to_target_dir is the path to your working copy.

2.) Inside the test bed check out a working copy of your project's web pages (here for ISIP as an example):
svn checkout isip
This will strongly reduce the size of your working copy and allow you to edit you project's web pages without worrying about the rest of the website.
If you require access to the rest of the website consider checking out additional working copies of separate projects just like your own.

3.) Edit your web pages inside your working copy of your project, i.e.
cd isip/public/xml

edit xml files

cd ../../ (i.e. inside isip/)

svn commit -m "- made some changes"  (just an example)

IMPORTANT: Commit your changes from within the working copy of your project (i.e. isip), NOT from the working copy of the test bed (i.e. doc_branches) - else nothing will happen.

4.) Make your web pages:
cd isip/public/xml

./ main.xml
This will create the corresponding html files in isip/public/html/ and a symbolic link in isip/public/imports/.
If there are errors in your xml files, you will see the error messages here.
If you like to make a single web page, do
./ <filename>
where <filename> is the name of your xml document.

5.) Inspect your web pages:
firefox isip/public/html/index.html
The layout is as it will appear on the server.

Please be aware that the test bed does NOT allow you to upload material to the web server yourself. This is done automatically by a CRON job.

For inspiration on which elements are available in PracticalXML please consider the example document test.xml in the xml directory of the test bed.

We assume that you have the following software installed on your system:
- perl
- python
- latex
- pdflatex
- convert
All these are needed to make the web pages.

How to categorize imported documents.


Documents which are placed in the imports/ directories and added via a <ulink> element can be categorized using a variety of attributes for the <ulink> tag.
Categorized documents will appear ordered by category in the ITM Document Catalog and are therefore much easier to identify and to find than uncategorized documents. The categorization has to be done by hand but is worth the extra bit of effort.

Attributes for the categorization:
Besides the standard attribute $url, there are 10 optional attributes for the <ulink> tag which are described in the following. All 10 attributes have to present for the corresponding document to be categorized. Documents which have been categorized at one location in the XML tree of the ITM website do not need to be categorized again when linked to the website at a different location.

  • title - The actual title of the document. May be different from the working title inside the <ulink> tag.
  • type - The classification type of the document. Current classification types are:

    • administrative
    • documentation
    • movie
    • poster
    • presentation
    • report
    • technical
    • tutorial

    Missing classification types may be added with the consent of the publication team.

  • project - This is the ITM project's name under which the document was created. This attribute is intended to show which project is responsible for a potential maintenance of the document. Allowed values are:

    • edrg
    • amns
    • isip
    • imp12
    • imp3
    • imp4
    • imp5
    • ism
    • tfl

  • author - The last name(s) of the main author.
  • year - The year when the document was last modified in the format YYYY.
  • month - The month when the document was last modified in the format MM.
  • topic - The general physics/numerics/math topic under which the document might be placed. Currently, the following topics are available:

    • control
    • ecrh
    • equilibrium
    • fast particles
    • general
    • grid
    • heating
    • icrh
    • infrastructure
    • legal
    • machine descriptions
    • mhd
    • monitoring
    • nbi
    • numerics
    • transport
    • turbulence
    • workflows

    Since this list is not exhaustive, you are welcome to add new topics as you wish. However, please keep in mind that a too granular categorization is of little use.

  • complexity - Please carefully assess the complexity of the document for categorization. The complexity levels are:

    • introductory
    • standard
    • expert

  • addressee - Whom is the document mainly targeted at? Addressees are:

    • user
    • developer
    • public

  • size - Number of pages of the document if applicable (else 0).

The order of the attributes is free. All values have to be enclosed in double quotes ("). Avoid leading or trailing spaces.

An example for a categorized import (here edrg) is shown below:

<ulink url="../imports/meetings/2009/EDRG_kickoff/edrg_kick-off.ppt"
title="Experimentalists and Diagnosticians Resource Group (EDRG) - Kick-off Meeting"
type="presentation" project="edrg" author="Coelho" year="2009" month="01"
topic="control" complexity="standard" addressee="public" size="15">
Overview of EDRG for 2009 (R.Coelho)</ulink>

How to become a member of a Gforge project.


To become a member of a Gforge project please login to the ITM Portal at
and follow the tabs
GFORGE -> Projects
Now find the project you would like to join on the list of projects.
Please click on the link and then on the button

The project leader will likely honor your request and add you as a developer to the project.

How to export an actor from Kepler

If you like to export an actor from your private Kepler installation and make it available to another user please do the following:
  • Run ITMv1 to make sure that your $KEPLER environment variable points to your private version of Kepler that contains the actor to be exported.
  • Extract the actor from Kepler:
    extract_actor actor_name
    This generates a file called actor_name.tar in the current directory.
  • Make the generated tar file available to the other user(s).

How to import an actor into Kepler

If you like to import an actor from another user into your private Kepler installation please do the following:
  • Get or locate the tar file that contains the actor. The file does not have to be in your own directory. Only read permission is needed.
  • Run ITMv1 to make sure that your $KEPLER environment variable points to your private version of Kepler where the actor shall be imported.
  • cd to a directory where you have write permission and import the actor into Kepler:
    import_actor [path/]actor_name
    The path is only necessary if the tar file that contains the actor is not located in the current directory.
  • You can now run Kepler and the actor should be present.

How to remove an actor from Kepler

If you like to remove an actor from your private Kepler installation please do the following:
  • Run ITMv1 to make sure that your $KEPLER environment variable points to your version of Kepler from where the actor shall be removed.
  • Remove the actor from Kepler:
    rmactor actor_name
    The name of the actor should be as it appears in Kepler.
  • You can now run Kepler and the actor should be absent.

Doxygen generated web pages

It is possible to include doxygen generated web pages in the ITM web pages. Since these pages are automatically generated and can be large, it is probably better not to put them into subversion. Instead a directory can be created for you under
which can then be referenced by
      SOME TEXT </ulink>
in your xml (making the appropriate substitutions for [GROUP] and [PROJECT]). You will then need to copy the html generated by doxygen into the above directory.

last update: 2019-01-31 by g2dpc