
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: Code parameters for ASCOT


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/nml_runtol --Directory--
options_tmax FloatPositive Particle tracing time (s)
binlim_dtglob FloatNonNegative Time step of ensemble time step model (s, 0 = disable model)
options_tinter float Time interval of particle data output (s, 0 to output every point, < 0 for no output)
options_cpumax FloatPositive Maximum allowed CPU time per particle (s) (0 = no CPU limit)
options_toler FloatPositive Relative error tolerance for guiding centre step
options_tbfrac positiveInteger Default time step is bounce time divided by this
options_colaac FloatPositive Allowed relative change in energy or absolute change in pitch per time step due to collisions
options_eleaac FloatPositive Allowed relative change in parallel velocity per time step due to the toroidal or parallel electric field
options_difaac FloatPositive Allowed change in rho per time step relative to the banana width due to radial diffusion
options_elhaac FloatPositive Allowed relative change in parallel momentum per time step caused by parallel momentum diffusion due to LH wave (for electrons)
options_ilhaac FloatPositive Allowed relative change in perpendicular energy per time step, caused by LH wave (for ions)
options_icraac FloatPositive Allowed relative change in energy per time step caused by IC wave (for ions)
options_intact IntegerList Particle-background interaction mechanisms (1=active, 0=inactive): intact(1) - toroidal (1) or parallel (2) electric field; intact(2) - pitch collisions; intact(3) - energy collisions; intact(4) - anomalous radial diffusion: 0 = no radial diffusion, 1 = constant diffusion coefficient, 2 = microturbulence model by Hauff et al; intact(5) - parallel momentum diffusion caused by LH wave (for electrons); intact(6) - perpendicular energy and radial diffusion caused by LH wave (for ions); intact(7) - velocity component change caused by IC wave (for ions); intact(8) - charge exchange (CX) collisions; intact(9)...intact(10) not in use.
options_quitcr FloatList End criteria (1=active, 0=inactive): quitcr(1) - time maximum per particle exceeded; quitcr(2) - CPU time maximum per particle exceeded; quitcr(3) - quitcr(3) * local thermal energy reached; quitcr(4) - hit the wall or a divertor target; quitcr(5) - escaped from plasma; quitcr(6) - quitcr(6) orbits calculated; quitcr(7) - quitcr(7) keV particle energy reached; quitcr(8)...quitcr(10) not in use
options_acc IntegerBinary Interaction acceleration on/off (1/0)
options_relat IntegerBinary Relativistic / classical treatment (1/0)za
options_icoord IntegerBinary Coordinate system: 0 = Cartesian everywhere, 1 = Boozer inside plasma, Cartesian outside
options_imeth IntegerBinary GC orbit integration method (only affects integration in Boozer coordinates, Cartesian always uses RK5): 0 = 4th order Runge-Kutta, no error monitoring; 1 = 5th order Runge-Kutta with error monitoring; (2 = Bulirsch-Stoer with error monitoring - not tested!)
options_orbitmode IntegerBinary
options_wallmode Integer012
options_regenr Integer012
options_divorb IntegerBinary
options_iseed positiveInteger
options_iskip1 nonNegativeInteger
options_iskip2 nonNegativeInteger
maxwcol_pfilim FloatPositive
options_dynamic IntegerBinary
options_reversedTime boolean
/nml_epcpar --Directory--
binlim_epcr1 FloatNonNegative
binlim_epcr2 FloatNonNegative
binlim_iepcrh positiveInteger
binlim_epct1 FloatMax360
binlim_epct2 FloatPositiveMax360
binlim_iepcth positiveInteger
/nml_dists --Directory--
distrib_idists IntegerBinaryList
distrib_ntime positiveInteger
distrib_R1 FloatNonNegative
distrib_R2 FloatNonNegative
distrib_nR nonNegativeInteger
distrib_z1 float
distrib_z2 float
distrib_nz nonNegativeInteger
distrib_rho1 FloatNonNegative
distrib_rho2 FloatNonNegative
distrib_nrho nonNegativeInteger
distrib_nvrho nonNegativeInteger
distrib_theta1 FloatMax360
distrib_theta2 FloatPositiveMax360
distrib_ntheta nonNegativeInteger
distrib_nvtheta nonNegativeInteger
distrib_vmgn1 FloatNonNegative
distrib_vmgn2 FloatNonNegative
distrib_nvmagn nonNegativeInteger
distrib_vpar1 float
distrib_vpar2 float
distrib_nvpar nonNegativeInteger
distrib_vperp1 FloatNonNegative
distrib_vperp2 FloatNonNegative
distrib_nvperp nonNegativeInteger
distrib_npitch nonNegativeInteger
/nml_tokamk --Directory--
ripple_ncoil nonNegativeInteger
ripple_coil2 Float0to1
machine_ept float
machine_divr FloatList8
machine_divz FloatList8
/nml_eradl --Directory--
erprof_eronof Integer01234
erprof_eront FloatNonNegative
erprof_ermin float
erprof_ermax float
erprof_errho1 FloatNonNegative
erprof_errho2 FloatNonNegative
erprof_errho3 FloatNonNegative
/nml_ersc --Directory--
erself_ierson IntegerBinary
erself_idpol IntegerBinary
erself_idvisc IntegerBinary
erself_iersri IntegerBinary
erself_iersro IntegerBinary
erself_ersrh1 FloatNonNegative
erself_ersrh2 FloatNonNegative
erself_ersvim FloatNonNegative
/nml_andiff --Directory--
andiff_rholim1 float
andiff_rholim2 float
andiff_dcoeff float
andiff_lambda_c float
andiff_lambda_V float
andiff_lambda_B float
andiff_B_r_scale float
andiff_V_E float
andiff_logon integer
/nml_nbi --Directory--
nbi_rfocus float
nbi_alfa float
nbi_betav float
nbi_betah float
nbi_nlambda float
/nml_lhwave --Directory--
lhoper_freq float
lhoper_kpar float
lhoper_kper float
lhoper_epar float
lhoper_eper float
lhoper_vprg FloatNonNegative
lhoper_rho0 Float0to1
lhoper_rhod Float0to1
lhoper_symm Integer012
/nml_icwave --Directory--
icoper_icspec IntegerMin2
icoper_icrho Float0to1
icoper_icside IntegerBinary
icoper_icepos float
icoper_iceneg float
icoper_ickpar float
icoper_ickper float
icoper_icl FloatNonNegative
icoper_icn Integer12
/nml_cxdiag --Directory--
npacx_nsl Integer0to15
npacx_rpiv FloatList
npacx_zpiv FloatList
npacx_hoff FloatList
npacx_lfoc FloatList
npacx_bhor FloatList
npacx_aver FloatList
npacx_dlt FloatList
npacx_nwin Integer0to15
npacx_ene1 FloatList
npacx_ene2 FloatList
npacx_tmo1 float
npacx_tmo2 float
npacx_3d IntegerBinary
npacx_the1 FloatList
npacx_the2 FloatList
/nml_mhd --Directory--
mhd_on IntegerBinary
mhd_num integer
mhd_modetype IntegerBinaryList
mhd_mpol IntegerList
mhd_ntor IntegerList
mhd_amp FloatList
mhd_omg FloatList
mhd_dom FloatList
mhd_phase FloatList
mhd_rho FloatList
mhd_alpha FloatList
mhd_beta FloatList
mhd_gamma FloatList
mhd_c0 FloatList
mhd_k1 FloatList
mhd_k2 FloatList
/nml_debug --Directory--
debug_orbits boolean
debug_writeseeds boolean
debug_nbilog boolean
debug_BpolFromPsi boolean
debug_endstate boolean
debug_cpu boolean
/nml_cachesort --Directory--
options_cachesort boolean
/nml_mgmodel --Directory--
mgmodel_model IntegerBinary
mgmodel_B0 float
mgmodel_I0 float
mgmodel_alpha float
mgmodel_a float
mgmodel_adistance float
mgmodel_R0 float
mgmodel_z0 float
mgmodel_machineR0 float
mgmodel_machinez0 float
/rfof_core_param --Directory--
/rfof_core_param/assumptions --Directory-- List of optional physics assumptions.
simplify__static_resonance_position_during_RF_kick boolean If true then the RF intraction induces no spatial motion of the orbit during the wave-particle interaction (however the new drift orbit may have a different spatial extent)
simplify__drift_velocity_no_effect_on_resonance boolean If true then all term in the resonance condition involving the drift velocity are neglected
simplify__parallel_velocity_no_effect_on_resonance boolean If true then all term in the resonance condition involving the parallel velocity are neglected
simplify__assume_zero_larmor_radius_in_KPERPxRHO boolean If "true", then the finite larmor radius effects in the wave particle interaction are neglected
simplify__kpar_is_nphi_over_R boolean If "true" then the parallel wave number of is nphi/R, otherwise the exact value is used
width_of_rf_resonance_layer float Width of the resonance layer as a fraction of the momentary major radius
/rfof_core_param/bounding_box --Directory-- Bounding box in the poloidal cross section.
Rmin float Minimum major radius of the bounding box [m]
Rmax float Maximum major radius of the bounding box [m]
Zmin float Minimum vertical coordinate of the bounding box [m]
Zmax float Maximum vertical coordinate of the bounding box [m]
/rfof_core_param/resonance_memory --Directory--
nStoreTimes integer The number of time points to be stored in the resonance memory. These are used to extrapolate the orbit to the next upcoming resonance.
/rfof_core_param/IO_control --Directory-- Controlling the output written to file
start_time_event_output float Time at which to start generating event-output files
output__2D_RZ_out boolean If true, then 2D output in (R,Z) will be generated for the density of abosorbed power and torque
output__Orbit boolean If true, then output of the full orbits wil be generated and stored to file
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_the_Orbit integer Maximum number of orbit points written to file
output__rf_kicks boolean If true, then a list of rf-kicks will be generated containing the location and strength of the kick
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_the_rf_kick integer Maximum number of rf-kick points written to file
output__resonace_predictions boolean If true, then a list of rf-resonance preditions will be generated containing the present location and predicted location of the next resonance
MAX_number_points_stored_in_resonance_memory integer Maximum number of rf-resonance prediction points written to file

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
IntegerBinary integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 1
IntegerList integer
IntegerList10 IntegerList Length: 10
IntegerBinaryList IntegerBinary
IntegerBinaryList20 IntegerBinaryList Length: 20
FloatList float
FloatList8 FloatList Length: 8
FloatList10 FloatList Length: 10
FloatPositive float Min(<): 0.0
FloatNonNegative float Min(<=): 0.0
FloatMax360 float Max(>=): 360.0
FloatPositiveMax360 float Min(<=): 0.0
Max(>=): 360.0
Float0to1 float Min(<=): 0.0
Max(>=): 1.0
IntegerMin2 integer Min(<=): 2
Integer012 integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 2
Integer12 integer Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 2
Integer01234 integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 4
Integer0to15 integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 15

last update: 2012-03-28 by tjohnson