
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/code_specific --Directory--
i_warm integer 0=beamtr only, 1=weakly rel, 2=relativistic w/ asympt expansion, 3=rel w/ num integration
i_larm integer order of larmor expansion
Min(<=): 1
i_eccd integer 0=no, 1=yes ECCD calculation
Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 11
i_grad integer 0=raytracing, 1=gaussian beam
n_rad_ray integer radial number of rays
Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 31
n_ang_ray integer angular numbers of rays
Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 36
rho_max float beam truncation (1=last ray at P=e^-2)
Min(<): 0
ds float beamtracing step (cm)
Min(<): 0
n_steps integer max number of beamtracing steps
Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 8000
/output_control --Directory--
i_rho integer 0=dpsi, 1=drhop constant in EC profiles
n_proj_ec integer Number of points in EC profiles
Min(<=): 1
i_step_proj integer beam shape data every i_step_proj points
Min(<=): 1
i_step_ray integer ray data every i_step_ray points
Min(<=): 1
/data_adjust --Directory--
i_x_pos integer -1=lower, 1=upper, 0=no X-point
psi_ne_bnd float density boundary (psi_norm)
Min(<): 0
spline_psi float psi smoothing coefficient
Min(<=): 0

last update: 2015-07-06 by tjohnson