
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
number_of_injectors integer Number of injector (vector length of mass, charge, power...)
r_inj_surface FloatList Major radius at the centre of the injection surface [m]
z_inj_surface FloatList Vertical coordinate at the centre of the injection surface [m]
phi_inj_surface FloatList Toroidal angle at the centre of the injection surface [rad]
tang_rad FloatList Tangency radius (major radius where the central line of a NBI unit is tangent to a circle around the symmetry axis)
angle FloatList Angle of inclination between a line at the centre of the injection unit surface and the horiontal plane
direction integer Direction of the beam seen from above the torus: -1 = clockwise; 1 = counter clockwise
div_vert FloatList Beam divergence for a unit in the vertical direction [rad]
div_horiz FloatList Beam divergence for a unit in the horizontal direction [rad]
focal_len_hz FloatList Horizontal focal length along the beam line [m]
focal_len_vc FloatList Vertical focal length along the beam line [m]
n_beamlet integer Number of beamlets
r_beamlet FloatList Major radius coordinate at the beamlet centre [m]
z_beamlet FloatList Vertical coordinate at the beamlet centre [m]
phi_beamlet FloatList Toroidal coordinate at the beamlet centre [rad]
tangent_radius_beamlet FloatList Tangency radius of the beamlet [m]
angle_beamlet FloatList Angle of inclination between the beamlet and the horiontal plane [rad]
power_fraction_beamlet FloatList Power fraction beamlet
verbosity nonNegativeInteger Regulates the amount of standard output. 0 - only error messages; 1 - give warnings messages; 2 - idenitify start and end of code; 3 - Main results; 4 - Detailed logging.

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
FloatList float
int4geometrySelection integer Min(<=): 0

last update: 2015-08-07 by dpc