
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: IC antennas: parameters


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/general --Directory-- Frequency and power
frequency float frequency [Hz]
power float Coupled power [W]
/straps --Directory-- Strap specific parameters; strap geometry asnd phasing
nstrap integer Number of straps
phase FloatList Feeding phase [rad]
phi_centre FloatList Toroidal angle of antenna position [rad]
width FloatList Strap width [m]
dist2wall FloatList Distance strap-wall [m]
ncoord_strap integer Number of points to describe the poloidal strap extension (?)
coord_strap_r FloatList R coordinate of strap position [m]
coord_strap_z FloatList Z coordinate of strap position [m]

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
FloatList float

last update: 2012-03-28 by tjohnson