TCV 4.10a shots

Following simulations are available for TCV machine in UAL 4.10a:

The shots can be accessed from the private data bases of IMP3 contributors by selecting the TOKAMAKNAME = tcv and the UAL version = 4.10a

There are two ways to copy the data to your local data base:
You can copy them directly from the data provider data base as it is mentioned in the table:

cp ~user/public/itmdb/itm_tree/tcv/4.10a/mdsplus/0/euitm_ShotRun.* $MDSPLUS_TREE_BASE_0/.

You can check out the data from svn:

svn co --force $(MDSPLUS_TREE_BASE_0)

ETS interpretative runs


These are ETS simulations, in which the evolution of the main plasma profiles was disabled (usually only EQUILIBRIUM+Current equation were simulated).
Nonetheless, these runs should provide the complete consistent set of data (although some signals might be filled with 0.0) and might be very convinient for testing purposes. Especially, if you need steady state test bed shot.

Shot Run CPOs user generated with description

ETS predictive runs


These are ETS simulations, in which some physics study was done.
Short description of the run configuration is available in the table below. Nonetheless, we strongly advise you to contact the run author for the details.

Shot Run CPOs user generated with description
38012 2 equilibrium
denka ETS/SPIDER/BGB/GAUSS ETS predictive ad hoc run
[time: 0.1-1.1; composition: e,D; ip=0.65MA Bt=1.5T, ; predictive equations: Jpar,Ti,Te; sources: GAUSS [0.6 MW to el]; Transport: BGB; Impurity: OFF]
38012 3 equilibrium
denka ETS/CHEASE/BGB/GAUSS/IMPURITY ETS predictive ad hoc run
[time: 0.1-1.1; composition: e,D,C; ip=0.65MA Bt=1.5T, ; predictive equations: Jpar,Ti,Te,nz; sources: GAUSS [0.6 MW to el]; Transport: BGB; Impurity: ON]

last update: 2019-01-31 by g2dpc