
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: ICRF wave absorption parameters for the waves-cpo generating code icdep


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/absorption_geometry --Directory-- Geometric parameters describing the absorption profiles
width_rho float Width of the absorption in rho_tor_norm
width_r float Width of the absorption in R [m]
width_z float Width of the absorption in Z [m]
/power_partition --Directory-- Partition of the launched power absorbed on the different species
fract_eld_ttmp float Fraction of the power absorbed through Electron Landau Damping and Transit Time Magnetic Pumping
fract_coll2electrons float Fraction of the fast ion absorbed power that is transferred to the electrons
/wave_quantities --Directory-- Properties of the wave field
n_phi integer Toroidal mode number
k_theta float Wave vector component in the poloidal (theta) direction [1/m]
k_rho float Wave vector component in the radial (rho) direction [1/m]
ratio_Eplus_Eminus float Ratio of the magnitude between E_plus and E_minus, i.e. the left and right hand polarised components
phase_Eplus_Eminus float Complex phase difference between E_plus and E_minus = log( E_plus / E_minus ) [rad]

last update: 2012-03-28 by tjohnson