
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: Code parameters for Nuclearsim (nuclear reaction rates for thermal plasmas)


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/select_output_species --Directory--
source_from_neutrons boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced neutrons will be calculated
source_from_H boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced protons will be calculated
source_from_D boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced deutrons will be calculated
source_from_T boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced tritons will be calculated
source_from_He3 boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced Helium-3 will be calculated
source_from_He4 boolean If true, then the source rate of fusion/fission produced Helium-4 will be calculated
/output --Directory-- Defining the formatting of the output distsource CPO
/output/markers --Directory-- Defining the formatting of the output distsource markers
n_toroidal integer Number of grid point in the toroidal angle; used only if Markers are initialised on a grid.
n_angle1 integer Number of grid point in the assimuthal angle of the spherical velocity space coordinate system (not field aligned); used only if Markers are initialised on a grid.
n_angle2 integer Number of grid point in the non-assimuthal angle of the spherical velocity space coordinate system (not field aligned); used only if Markers are initialised on a grid.
n_skip_r integer Define the R-grid from equilibrium%profiles_2d%r(n_skip_r:n_skip_r:end) grid; used only if Markers are initialised on a grid.
n_skip_z integer Define the z-grid from equilibrium%profiles_2d%z(n_skip_z:n_skip_z:end) grid; used only if Markers are initialised on a grid.
initalisation_scheme initalisation_scheme_domain 1: Initialise on a grid.
verbosity integer Specifies the verbosity of the output to stdout and stderr.

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
initalisation_scheme_domain integer Min(<=): 1

last update: 2014-12-19 by tjohnson