
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: Code parameters for Risk (Fokker-Planck code)


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
n_out_profiles integer_minInclusive_2 Resolution of the output 1D profiles
dx_resolution float_minInclusive_dot0001 Normalized velocity resolution (v/vth)
fac_implicit float_minInclusive_dot1 Implicit/explicit contribution for integration scheme (Crank-Nicholson or so)
debug_mode integer_minmaxInclusive_01 Flag for debug mode (0 = normal execution, 1 = debug mode)

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
integer_minInclusive_2 integer Min(<=): 2
integer_minmaxInclusive_01 integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 1
float_minInclusive_dot0001 float Min(<=): 0.0001
float_minInclusive_dot1 float Min(<=): 0.1

last update: 2015-08-07 by dpc