
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: RFOF code parameters


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
/rfof_parameters --Directory-- RFOF code parameters
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param --Directory-- Contains all fields needed when coupling to RFOF
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param/assumptions --Directory-- List of optional physics assumptions.
assume_static_resonance_position_during_RF_kick boolean If true then the RF intraction induces no spatial motion of the orbit during the wave-particle interaction (however the new drift orbit may have a different spatial extent)
use_drift_velocity_in_doppler_shift boolean If true then the Doppler shift due to the drift velocity is included in the resonance condition
use_parallel_velocity_in_doppler_shift boolean If true then the Doppler shift due to the parallel velocity is included in the resonance condition
assume_zero_larmor_radius_in_KPERPxRHO boolean If "true", then the finite larmor radius effects in the wave particle interaction are neglected
assume_kpar_is_nphi_over_R boolean If "true" then the parallel wave number of is nphi/R, otherwise the exact value is used
assume_zero_order_FLR_for_Pphi boolean Neglect finite larmor radius (FLR) corrections to P_phi
width_of_rf_resonance_layer float Width of the resonance layer as a fraction of the momentary major radius
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param/bounding_box --Directory-- Bounding box in the poloidal cross section.
Rmin float Minimum major radius of the bounding box [m]
Rmax float Maximum major radius of the bounding box [m]
Zmin float Minimum vertical coordinate of the bounding box [m]
Zmax float Maximum vertical coordinate of the bounding box [m]
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param/resonance_memory --Directory--
nStoreTimes integer The number of time points to be stored in the resonance memory. These are used to extrapolate the orbit to the next upcoming resonance.
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param/IO_control --Directory-- Controlling the output written to file
start_time_event_output float Time at which to start generating event-output files
output__2D_RZ_out boolean If true, then 2D output in (R,Z) will be generated for the density of abosorbed power and torque
NRedges_2DgridRZ integer Number of horizontal grid points in the 2D (R,z) grid
NZedges_2DgridRZ integer Number of vertical grid points in the 2D (R,z) grid
output__Orbit boolean If true, then output of the full orbits wil be generated and stored to file
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_the_Orbit integer Maximum number of orbit points written to file
output__rf_kicks boolean If true, then a list of rf-kicks will be generated containing the location and strength of the kick
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_rf_kick integer Maximum number of rf-kick points written to file
output__resonace_predictions boolean If true, then a list of rf-resonance preditions will be generated containing the present location and predicted location of the next resonance
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_resonance_memory integer Maximum number of rf-resonance prediction points written to file
output__efield_normalization boolean If true, then a list of electric field normalization factors to file
MAX_number_of_points_stored_in_the_efield_normalization integer Maximum number of electric field normalizations (time-vector) written to output file
/rfof_parameters/rfof_core_param/quasilinear --Directory-- Parameters describing the quasilinear model
MAX_relative_energy_kick float The I-perp kicks cannot be larger than this fraction of the input I-perp
/rfof_parameters/rfof_plasma_param --Directory--
/rfof_parameters/rfof_plasma_param/composition --Directory--
n_species integer Number of plasma ion species
amn RFOF_FloatList Atomic mass number
zn RFOF_FloatList Nuclear charge in atomic units
zion RFOF_FloatList Ionic charge in atomic units
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wave_param --Directory--
select_wave_from integer Select where the wave field should be taken from. 0 : wave generated from the data in parametric_wave 1 : wave read from ascii version of ITM cpos, written using write_cpo in the write_structures module. Filename is specified in ascii_itm_wave/filename_ascii_itm_wave.
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wave_param/parametric_wave --Directory--
nfreq integer Number of RF frequencies
nnphi integer Number of toroidal modes per frequency
RFpower RFOF_FloatList Power provided by the RF wave field
EfieldNormalisation RFOF_FloatList Normalisation factor for the strength of the RF wave field
ratioEPlusOverEMinus RFOF_FloatList Ratio between the left- and right-hand polarized electric wave field components
freq RFOF_FloatList RF wave frequency [Hz]
nphi RFOF_IntegerList Toroidal mode number
kperp RFOF_FloatList Perpendicular wave number [1/m]
verticalCentre RFOF_FloatList Vertical centre of the Gaussian RF wave field [m]
verticalWidth RFOF_FloatList Vertical width of the Gaussian RF wave field [m]
filename_lion_fields string Filename for lion corfields-file
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wave_param/ascii_itm_wave --Directory--
filename_ascii_itm_wave string Name of input file containing the ITM cpo waves in ascii format written using write_cpo in the write_structures module
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wrapper_param --Directory--
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wrapper_param/time_stepping --Directory--
NtimeSteps nonNegativeInteger Number of time steps (of standalone RFOF orbit tracer).
dt RFOF_FloatPositive Length of each time step [s].
nStoreOutTimes integer Number of time steps between which the output is accumulated before being written to file.
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wrapper_param/magnetic_field --Directory--
R0 float Major radius of the plasma torus [m].
aminor float Minor radius of the plasma torus [m].
B0 float Magnetic field strength att the magnetic axis [T].
q float Safety factor of the magnetic field.
/rfof_parameters/rfof_wrapper_param/markers --Directory-- Defining the initial conditions for the markers in the RFOF wrapper
species_index integer Species index within the vector of particle species in the rfof_plasma_param/composition/*(), where * is amn, zn and zion. species_index has be in the range [1,rfof_plasma_param/composition/n_species]
weight float Marker weight
R float Initial major radius position of the marker [m]
z float Initial veritical position of the marker [m]
phi float Initial toroidal angle of the marker [rad]
charge float Charge of the marker [au]
mass float Mass of the marker [au]
E float Energy of the marker [eV]
xi float Pitch-angle of the marker [-]

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
RFOF_FloatPositive float Min(<): 0.0
RFOF_FloatList float
RFOF_IntegerList integer

last update: 2014-12-19 by tjohnson