
This documentation is generated from the XML schema, the xsd-file, for the code parameters.

Description: Code parameters for Spot (Fokker-Planck code)


Code parameter tree


Name Type Restrictions
nperstep integer_minInclusive_1 Number of markers to be created every big time step
nout1d integer_minInclusive_2 Resolution of output 1D-profiles
nout2dr integer_minInclusive_2 R-Resolution of output 2D-profiles
nout2dz integer_minInclusive_2 Z-Resolution of output 2D-profiles
ksolver integer_minmaxInclusive_12 Flag for internal solver: 1 = (R,Z) coordinates, 2 = (PSI,THETA) Boozer coordinates
bigwidth float_minmaxInclusive_dot0001_dot01 Duration of a big time step (sec) for source update, RFOF E-field normalisation, etc
icrh_heating integer_minmaxInclusive_01 Flag for ICRH heating (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
debug_mode integer_minmaxInclusive_01 Flag for debug mode (0 = normal execution, 1 = debug mode)
source_flag integer_minmaxInclusive_14 Flag for source option (0=Spot-generated-alphas, 2=Spot-generated-thermals-for-ICRH, 3=Spot-generated-NBI, 4=marker-source)
icrh_ion_mass float_minmaxInclusive_mendeleiv Mass of followed ICRH-accelerated ion (if any)
icrh_ion_charge float_minmaxInclusive_mendeleiv Charge of followed ICRH-accelerated ion (if any)
kforce_xml integer_minmaxInclusive_01 Flag to force the use of XML input file for ICRF heating (when = 1)

Locally defined types


Name Type Descriptions
integer_minInclusive_1 integer Min(<=): 1
integer_minInclusive_2 integer Min(<=): 2
integer_minmaxInclusive_12 integer Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 2
integer_minmaxInclusive_14 integer Min(<=): 1
Max(>=): 4
integer_minmaxInclusive_01 integer Min(<=): 0
Max(>=): 1
float_minmaxInclusive_dot0001_dot01 float Min(<=): 1.e-4
Max(>=): 0.1
float_minmaxInclusive_mendeleiv float Min(<=): 1.0
Max(>=): 300.0

last update: 2015-08-07 by dpc