Datastructures (CPOs)

This page give you overview information on the datastructures (CPOs ) that are most relevant for IMP5.

Detailed information on all ITM datastructures can be found here.

CPOs for which IMP5 are responsible.

CPO Description
The antennas CPO describe of antennas used for IC, EC and LH heating and current drive. The data stored in the CPO includes both hardware descriptions, like the antenna geometry, settings like the power launched and the frequency. The antennas CPO may include the descriptions of multiple systems in each frequency range, i.e. we may have several IC antennas, several LH launcher and several EC systems.
WARNING, this CPO is under restructuring and the present version should NOT be used! (2014-03-17) The idea of this CPO is to describe the coupling of LH waves.
The waves CPO describe wave fields, primarily those used for heating and current drive. The wave fields can be described in two diffferent form; either as a global wave fiedl calculated at every point in the devise, or as a set of beams, or rays.
The NBI CPO describes the NBI (neutral beam injection) system. The main purpose of the CPO is to be used to calculate the neutrals that reach the plasma. The CPO includes both variable setting like the acceleration energy and the input power, as well as a description of the beam geometry. The geometry is separated into two levels, one describing including so called "beamlet groups" that form a type of focussed beam with a focal length. The second level is that every beamlet group includes individual "beamlets". Each of these beamlets originate form a small hole in the grounded grid. Since all particles coming out of one such hole has been accelerated by somewhere between 50keV and 1.5 MeV, they all have almost the same velocity vector. The tiny variations in this velocity vector has a Gaussian shape and is specified as the beamlet divergence.
Source terms for kinetic plasma model; e.g. the source of neutral beam particles or alpha particles. This data should come from a beam deposition code and should serve as input to kinetic codes, e.g. Fokker-Planck codes.
Distribution functions of particles involved in the heating. E.g. the velocity distribution function of fast ions/electrons driven by RF, or the distribution function of alpha particles, or beam injected ions. The CPO should be filled in by a kinetic code and provide heating and provide, e.g. heating and current drive for transport solvers.

Additional material about the IMP5 CPOs:

  • IMP5 CPOs (pdf) (ppt) from the General ITM meeting september 2010 in Lisbon.
  • CPOs commonly used by IMP5 codes.

    CPO Description
    Magnetic equilibrium.
    Profiles of densities, temperatures, flows,... in the plasma core.
    Profiles of impurity densities... in the plasma core.
    New in 4.10b! Fluid moments of non-thermal particles, e.g. densities, parallel and perpendicular pressure etc. The data is derived from the distribution CPO; it summarises the distribution CPO for e.g. transport codes, MHD codes, but can also be used in wave codes to simulate the wave absorption on fast-ion populations.
    Sources of particles, momentum and heat to ETS.

    The IMP5 only uses certain parts of the CPOs defined above, see list of cpos-fields used by IMP5 codes.

    last update: 2014-03-17 by tjohnson