Development of the IMP5 cpos for 4.10a

Below is a list of changes to the IMP5 CPOs and the state of the implementation and testing at the time of the last update (see the bottom of the page).

Contact persons: Thomas Johnson.

Overview of main changes

There are two main changes for the 4.10a release:
  • We have introduced the complex-grid structure (so called grid-cpo) for multidimensional arrays in waves, distsource and distribution. However, the old structures are kept to simplify the transition (since the 4.10a version is only for testing).
  • A set of identifiers has been added to trace the dataflow from antennas/nbi/nuclear reactions to waves/distsource/distribution.


  • Replace source_mark with the field markers of the complexType weighted_marker.

    Implemented: YES

  • Replace source_grid with the complexgrid based representation source_rate.
    The new representation has two fields grid and source_rate.
    NOTE: source_grid has been kept to get a smooth transition to using source_rate.

    Implemented: YES

  • The field gyrosrc_type previously appeared in several places along, but has now been replaced by a single field distsource()%source()%gyro_type.

    Fields removed: distsource()%source()%source_grid%gyrosrc_type and distsource()%source()%source_mark%gyrosrc_type.

    Implemented: YES

  • New element source_id for both identifying the origin of the source, and for identifying this source when used in distribution.

    See also the translation table. of the identifier part of source_id.

    Documentation: List of identifiers for the source, in term the type and name of the injectors and reactions that provide the source, along with an index separating sources with the same name and type. Possible content for type: NBI or reaction names (see specifications on the ITM webpages); the field name should either be taken from nbi(*)%nbi_unit(*)%name, or describe the populations involved in the reaction, e.g. fast-thermal; the field index should separate different sources generated from a single injector or reaction. Vector(n_injectors_and_reactions)

    Background: The 4.09a version of the distsource CPO did not clearly stated where the source came from, i.e. it was not possible to trace from which NBI injector or nuclear reactions the source originated. For this reason the source_id has been introduced.

    Implemented: YES

  • A new complexType line_src_prof added for representating line-sources as profiles on a monotonic rho-coordinate.
    The source is described by its spatial location (R, Z, rho, theta) and its velocity components (energy, pitch, angular momentum).

    Note: Usually beamlines enters the plasma on the low field side and exits on the high field side. In this case the line has to be split into two (or more) line-sources, thus the lines-source is an array.

    Note: Primarily added to allow a simple coupling between NEMO and RISK

    Implemented: YES


  • Two new elements waves_id and source_id for both identifying the wave fields and sources affecting the distribution function in distri_vec.
    Documentation for wave_id: List all waves affecting the distribution, as specified in waves(*)%coherentwave(*)%wave_id

    See also the translation table for the identifier part of wave_id.

    Documentation for source_id: List all neutral beam injectors and reactions contributing to the source, as specified in distsource(*)%source(*)%source_id. Vector(n_injectors_and_reactions)

    See also the translation table for the identifier part of source_id.

    Implemented: YES

  • Change description of distri_vec. In 4.09a distri_vec is described as a vector of length n_spec, which is misleading. distri_vec should be a vector over sources, where each source can only represent a single species, while one species can appear in many sources. In the new version distri_vec is a vector of length ndistri_vec

    Implemented: YES

  • Add new field distribution(*)%distri_vec(*)%gyro_type to separate gyro-centre and full orbit representations.

    Implemented: YES

  • Add new field distribution(*)%distri_vec(*)%global_param%n_particles for the total number of particles in the distribution

    Implemented: YES

  • Add new field distribution(*)%distri_vec(*)%profiles_1d%dens for the particle density of the distribution

    Implemented: YES


  • New element wave_id for both identifying the antenna driving a coherent-wave, and for identifying a coherent-wave when used in distribution and coresource.
    Documentation: Identifier for the coherent-wave, in terms of the type and name of the antenna driving the wave and an index separating waves driven by the same antenna. Possible types: EC/LH/IC; the field name should include the name of the antenna as specified in either antennas(*)%ec_antenna%name, antennas(*)%ic_antenna%name, or antennas(*)%lh_antenna%name; the field index should separate different waves generated from a single antenna.

    See also the translation table for the identifier part of wave_id.

    Implemented: YES

  • Replace waves()%coherentwave()%local and waves()%coherentwave()%pol_decomp with a grid-cpo representation.
    The new representation has two fields: grid and e_components.
    All wave field components previously available in local and pol_decomp are available in the e_components.

    Note: waves()%coherentwave()%local and waves()%coherentwave()%pol_decomp are both kept to simplify the transition from 4.09b.

    Implemented: YES


  • Replace the array antenna_unit by introducing arrays of the fields antenna_ec, antenna_lh and antenna_ic.

    Implemented: YES

  • Suggestion: adopt for compatability with reflectometry, e.g. allowing modulation of the frequency.

    Implemented: NO

  • Question: Are the machine description fields in the ec_antenna correctly labeled, or should the machine description fields be more primitive/closer to the hardware parameters?


  • Add a name for each injector unit.

    Implemented: YES


  • Question: Is this CPO needed?
  • Suggestion: Correct the name from launchs to e.g. launchers

    Implemented: NO


  • Question: Is this CPO needed?
  • Correct typo: orbit/orbitt_id; new name orbit/com

    Implemented: YES

  • Change parameter name: orb_glob_dat; new name global_param

    Implemented: YES

  • Change parameter name: orb_trace; new name trace

    Implemented: YES

  • New parameter: toroidal angle

    Implemented: YES

  • Replaced word ion with word particle throghout the documentation.

    Implemented: YES


  • New complexType weighted_markers added, describing an array of weighted markers in N-dimension.
    This complexType is used in both distsource and distribution to represent the marker representations of both particle source and particle distributions.

    Implemented: YES

  • New complexType enum_instant added, describing an array of weighted markers in N-dimension.
    Specifies a specific enumerated instans of an object or process in term of its type, name and an index. E.g. the input could be the wave with index=2, selected from all waves launched by the antenna with name=A2, where the antenna is of type=IC.

    Implemented: YES

last update: 2012-07-13 by tjohnson